Showing 274 news articles about Chemsex & recreational drug use

Filters Content type: Editors' picks Topic: Chemsex & recreational drug use

Information about the use of crystal methamphetamine, mephedrone and GHB/GBL in sexual contexts and its impact on sexual health. Information about other types of drug use, taking a harm reduction approach.

The HIV and HepC mix

Editor's pick
scotfreehiv (blog)
30 July 2013

Drugs policymakers of the 1980s knew the score

Editor's pick
The Guardian
18 June 2013

Gym junkies use needle exchange

Editor's pick
ABC Lateline
31 May 2013

European Drug Report 2013

Editor's pick
28 May 2013

The World's Best Drug Laws

Editor's pick
The Fix
3 May 2013

HIV and the Power of Escape

Editor's pick
Huffington Post
10 March 2013

Matthew Todd: The roots of gay shame

Editor's pick
The Guardian
4 February 2013