Showing 272 news articles about Chemsex & recreational drug use

Filters Content type: Editors' picks Topic: Chemsex & recreational drug use

Information about the use of crystal methamphetamine, mephedrone and GHB/GBL in sexual contexts and its impact on sexual health. Information about other types of drug use, taking a harm reduction approach.

LGBT drug support

Editor's pick
Drink & Drugs News
14 April 2015

ChemSex Support videos

Editor's pick
56 Dean Street
24 February 2015

Rise in UK Steroid Use Brings Severe Health Risks

Editor's pick
Talking Drugs
16 February 2015

When Poppers are not Poppers

Editor's pick
BETA blog
13 February 2015

2013 could have been a turning point in drug treatment in England

Editor's pick
Drug & Alcohol Findings
9 January 2015

Addiction services in England: in need of an intervention

Editor's pick
The Lancet Psychiatry
10 November 2014

The mind-bending politics of drugs

Editor's pick
Conservative Home
31 October 2014

UK: Funding cuts for drug and alcohol treatment

Editor's pick
Russell Webster (blog)
17 October 2014

Poppers maculopathy

Editor's pick
The Lancet
10 July 2014

Rehabilitating Our Approach to Gay Men Who Use Drugs

Editor's pick
Matters of Substance (blog)
14 May 2014

Study explores why gay, lesbian teens binge drink

Editor's pick
Eurekalert Medicine & Health
6 May 2014