Showing 274 news articles about Chemsex & recreational drug use

Filters Content type: Editors' picks Topic: Chemsex & recreational drug use

Information about the use of crystal methamphetamine, mephedrone and GHB/GBL in sexual contexts and its impact on sexual health. Information about other types of drug use, taking a harm reduction approach.

The Private War That Killed Spencer Cox

Editor's pick
My Fabulous Disease
3 January 2013

Meth vaccine shows promising results in early tests

Editor's pick
Scripps Research Institute
1 November 2012

2012 Hot Topics Conference UK

Editor's pick
Hot Topics
9 October 2012

All in the Mind: Club Drug Clinic

Editor's pick
BBC Radio 4 (audio)
20 June 2012

Germany: Intoxicating history

Editor's pick
University of Cambridge
18 May 2012

Changes to UK Steroid Laws

Editor's pick
Injecting Advice
23 April 2012

Anti-drug ads do not work and can be counterproductive

Editor's pick
Drug & Alcohol Findings
26 November 2011

Warning over legal Russian drug

Editor's pick
BBC Health
7 July 2011

Drug policy: Supply and demand

Editor's pick
The Economist
3 June 2011