Showing 1,174 results

Filters Content type: News, Editors' picks, About HIV Topic: Epidemiology & behaviour

News and research on people’s sexual and drug-using behaviour and the impact this has on the spread of HIV in the community.

Crystal: More Balls

Editor's pick
Fagburn (blog)
31 January 2014

Study Links Intimate Partner Violence, Risk of HIV

Editor's pick
Science Daily
24 January 2014

Record highs of sexually transmitted infections in UK's MSM

Editor's pick
The Lancet Infectious Diseases (requires free registration)
18 December 2013

Pakistan has estimated one million heroin users

Editor's pick
The News
16 December 2013

Churches join fight against HIV in Indonesia’s Papua

Editor's pick
IRIN Plus News
2 December 2013

HIV/AIDS patient number nearly 7,000 in Turkey

Editor's pick
Hurriyet Daily News
2 December 2013