Showing 1,174 results

Filters Content type: News, Editors' picks, About HIV Topic: Epidemiology & behaviour

News and research on people’s sexual and drug-using behaviour and the impact this has on the spread of HIV in the community.

Are "Sugar Daddies" to Blame for HIV Transmission in Africa?

Editor's pick
Scientific American
5 September 2014

Arab Region Has World’s Fastest Growing HIV Epidemic

Editor's pick
Inter Press Service
1 September 2014

Teen Anal Sex Study: 6 Unexpected Findings

Editor's pick
Live Science
18 August 2014

US: Annual HIV diagnosis rates have 'decreased by more than 30%'

Editor's pick
HIV / AIDS News From Medical News Today
4 August 2014

Men at high risk for HIV may misjudge their vulnerability

Editor's pick
Chicago Tribune
27 June 2014

Emerging HIV Epidemics Among People Who Inject Drugs in the Middle East and North Africa

Editor's pick
Weill Cornell Medical College press release
18 June 2014