Showing 1,174 results

Filters Content type: News, Editors' picks, About HIV Topic: Epidemiology & behaviour

News and research on people’s sexual and drug-using behaviour and the impact this has on the spread of HIV in the community.

Gay Sex and the Sauna

Editor's pick
3 June 2014

What Truvada Means For The Porn Industry

Editor's pick
Huff Post Live (video)
19 May 2014

Rehabilitating Our Approach to Gay Men Who Use Drugs

Editor's pick
Matters of Substance (blog)
14 May 2014

NEGATIVE: HIV Negative Gay Men Speaking for Themselves (video)

Editor's pick
My Fabulous Disease
24 April 2014

When HIV is a turn-on

Editor's pick
16 April 2014

CHINA: Rise in HIV Identified Among Older Adults in China

Editor's pick
CDC National Prevention Information Network
11 April 2014

HIV's Grip on the American South

Editor's pick
The New Yorker
10 April 2014

Injecting HIV Into Pakistan

Editor's pick
Inter Press Service
24 March 2014