A World AIDS Day thank you
World AIDS Day on 1st December means many things to different people. Some of us will remember the partners, family members and friends we have lost to this disease. Others will reflect upon the extraordinary hard work and commitment that so many people – scientists, doctors, HIV charity staff & volunteers, activists and individuals living with HIV – have brought to the fight against HIV and who have been part of the hugely impressive response to this devastating virus over the last thirty years.
“I receive your treatment newsletter regularly and want to express my sincere gratitude to you all. Your information has been a wonderful support to me and I have found solace reading the articles. Your work is marvellous, thank you”. Sam
For NAM, World AIDS Day is also a time to thank our supporters, for their continued generosity and for helping us reach and support more people with HIV than ever over this past year. We estimate that over 41,000 people in the UK will have benefited from our information this year, and we hope all of our supporters feel deservedly proud that their donations have made such a difference to so many people. If you do not currently support our work, or feel able to give a little more, a donation to NAM this World AIDS Day will make such a difference to the work we are able to achieve in supporting people like Sam in 2013.
Thank you to our anonymous supporters...
NAM occasionally receives gifts from people who prefer to remain anonymous and, as we do not have their contact details, we cannot properly thank them for their support. So, if any of you are reading, thank you so much for your donations and commitment to our work.
Thank you to our runners!
This year a fantastic group of people ran the British 10k London Run for us, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of them for their incredible efforts on the day. Despite a few mishaps including soaking wet kit bags, grazed knees and mid-race emergency loo breaks, Siobhan, Stas, Mike, Beth, Lucy, Ros and Richard all completed the course in the hammering rain, and managed to raise a whopping £4,800 between them! A huge thank you to them all!
Feeling inspired? We’ve got 6 places available in the 2013 British London 10k in July (that’s plenty of time to get training!) To find out more about taking part email beth@nam.org.uk or visit our 10k pages.
Thank you to our shoppers!
NAM is signed up to the Easy Fundraising website which lets you shop online and raise money for charity whilst you're at it. We already have a wonderful group of people that use the site and have raised a steady amount of money for us throughout the year, every little helps!
If you'd like to use the site and raise money for NAM whilst you shop, just visit www.easyfundraising.org.uk and click 'I want to help a good cause', search for 'NAM' and then register your details. As soon as you have done that you're ready to start shopping, just click on the links to find your favourite websites and away you go! As soon as you purchase something the retailer will donate a percentage of your total spend to NAM at absolutely no extra cost to you, happy shopping!
Thank you to our followers!
We rely on our followers, tweeters, bloggers and friends to spread the word about our work and make sure we reach as many people as we possibly can with facts and information about HIV. Throughout the year you have been 'liking', sharing, forwarding, retweeting and promoting our resources and we cannot thank you enough for making our work more visible to thousands of people, raising awareness and getting more and more people talking about HIV. If you want to get involved you can follow us on twitter at @aidsmap or search for 'NAM' on Facebook.
And finally...
A merry Christmas from all the NAM Team, and all the very best for a healthy and happy new year ahead.