With access to modern HIV treatment and care, people are living long and healthy lives with HIV.
Taking your HIV treatment is a new title in NAM’s booklet series, which provides a starting point for anyone who wants to know about treatment for HIV. You can read it online at www.aidsmap.com/booklets
HIV treatment
You will get the most benefit from HIV treatment if you take it as prescribed. Modern HIV treatment is made up of a combination of drugs that work in different ways, but some anti-HIV drugs are available already combined. For many people, HIV treatment now means taking one or two pills each day.
This new booklet, Taking your HIV treatment, covers some key topics which can help you think about what to discuss with your doctor, nurse or pharmacist, whether you are starting treatment for the first time, taking treatment already, or thinking about a change, including:
- When to start treatment
- Preparing to start your HIV treatment
- Being involved in decisions about your treatment
- Emotional wellbeing, mental health and your circumstances
- Generic medicines
- Side-effects
- Drug interactions
- Why taking your HIV treatment properly is so important
- Some things that might help you take your treatment properly
- What is drug resistance?
For more information
This new title replaces a previous booklet called Adherence & resistance. We’re grateful to everyone who helped to shape this new title and who sent us feedback on drafts, in particular the people living with HIV and medical professionals who acted as our review panel for this booklet.
Clinics and organisations who have taken out a subscription with NAM can order printed copies of these resources. To find out more about how to order print copies and to see if your clinic is registered please contact zoe@nam.org.uk
NAM has achieved certification with The Information Standard, a quality mark scheme developed by the Department of Health.
Please be aware that NAM’s resources are protected by copyright, it is illegal to print or reproduce these resources without prior permission from NAM. Please contact us if you have any questions, if you would like to give us feedback on existing titles or suggestions for future titles.
We would also like to thank Wandsworth Oasis for funding towards the cost of producing this booklet.