This month, we’re celebrating a big milestone in a small project we’ve been working on with Hiv Finland.
We’ve published Finnish translations of 23 of the leaflets in our illustrated HIV information series, The basics – you can view and download them all at www.aidsmap.com/finnish.
Working with Hiv Finland
Based in Helsinki, the capital of Finland, Hiv Finland (or ‘Positiiviset Ry’ as they are known in Finnish) is a non-profit organisation providing information and support to people living with HIV and their loved ones.
As well as providing services directly, Hiv Finland works with healthcare staff, to support them in caring for people living with HIV.
Hiv Finland’s director, Sini Pasanen, worked with people living with HIV, nurses and doctors in Finland to review and adapt the basics for use there. She told us:
"The basics translated into Finnish are very valuable materials to us and we’re grateful to NAM for this opportunity! In Finland, we have included HIV-positive people, nurses and doctors in this translation process. The process means we can be confident that the information is correct and the terms used are the ones people use. And now we feel very proud to be able to deliver printed versions in Finnish to support conversations and understanding about living with HIV."
The Finnish translations are now available through Hiv Finland’s website too, with plans to make print copies available clinics in Finland as well.
Translating NAM publications
We’ve worked on producing information materials in 18 different languages and you can download these from the translations section of our website: www.aidsmap.com/translations
We love to hear from people who have translated our resources, or are thinking about doing so, so do email us and let us know at info@nam.org.uk.
We would like to thank Merck Sharp and Dohme for their financial support of our translation work.