Showing 1,174 results

Filters Content type: News, Editors' picks, About HIV Topic: Epidemiology & behaviour

News and research on people’s sexual and drug-using behaviour and the impact this has on the spread of HIV in the community.

HIV infections rise in Indonesia: report

Editor's pick
China Daily
22 November 2012

Despite progress, HIV efforts fall short

Editor's pick
IRIN Plus News
20 November 2012

Is romance dead on the gay scene?

Editor's pick
GMI Partnership
15 November 2012

My Life On PrEP: Learning To Fuck With Poz Guys

Editor's pick
Frontiers LA
9 November 2012

Australia: Study busts myths about fly-in fly-out (FIFO) sex

Editor's pick
Science Network Western Australia
26 October 2012

Social networking linked to HIV rise in Philippines

Editor's pick
Philippine Daily Inquirer
19 October 2012

Why is Uganda's HIV Rate Back on the Rise?

Editor's pick
Think Africa Press
13 October 2012