Showing 1,174 results

Filters Content type: News, Editors' picks, About HIV Topic: Epidemiology & behaviour

News and research on people’s sexual and drug-using behaviour and the impact this has on the spread of HIV in the community.

Fall in condom use behind HIV rise

Editor's pick
BBC Health
18 February 2013

Gay men's sense of ‘immunity’ spreads HIV

Editor's pick
Sydney Star Observer
8 February 2013

Matthew Todd: The roots of gay shame

Editor's pick
The Guardian
4 February 2013

HIV in gay men 'refuses to fall'

Editor's pick
BBC Health
1 February 2013

Uganda hailed over HIV fight

Editor's pick
New Vision
29 January 2013

Second Kenyan AIDS survey to roll on despite tensions

Editor's pick
Key Correspondents
28 January 2013

One out of ten fishermen infected with HIV

Editor's pick
Malay Mail
23 January 2013

Thailand: Mechai warns of new HIV/Aids crisis

Editor's pick
Bangkok Post
21 December 2012