Showing 767 results

Filters Content type: News, Editors' picks, About HIV Topic: The search for a cure

News and information about basic science that may lead researchers to develop a cure for HIV – studies of the latent viral reservoir, shock and kill approaches, gene therapies, immune modulators therapeutic vaccines, broadly neutralizing antibodies and so on.

AIDS specialists aim to jump-start hunt for a cure

Editor's pick
The Associated Press
20 July 2012

HIV Frontlines: The Doctor Who Cured HIV

Editor's pick
The Body Pro
20 June 2012

New Data on the Berlin Patient: Interpret with Caution

Editor's pick
Treatment Action Group
12 June 2012

Drug brings HIV out of hiding

Editor's pick
9 March 2012

Immune cells use 'starvation tactics' on HIV

Editor's pick
BBC News
12 February 2012