Showing 767 results

Filters Content type: News, Editors' picks, About HIV Topic: The search for a cure

News and information about basic science that may lead researchers to develop a cure for HIV – studies of the latent viral reservoir, shock and kill approaches, gene therapies, immune modulators therapeutic vaccines, broadly neutralizing antibodies and so on.

Marrow Transplants Fail to Cure Two H.I.V. Patients

Editor's pick
New York Times
9 December 2013

HIV virus returns after cure hope rose

Editor's pick
Boston Globe
6 December 2013

NIH announces plan to increase funding toward a cure for HIV/AIDS

Editor's pick
National Institutes of Health press release
3 December 2013

How will AIDS be Eradicated? - Room for Debate

Editor's pick
New York Times
29 November 2013

New Clues to How Long-Term Drug Therapy Keeps HIV at Bay

Editor's pick
US News & World Report
28 November 2013

British scientists to trial potential HIV cure

Editor's pick
Imperial College press release
27 November 2013

Elusive secret of HIV long-term immunity

Editor's pick
17 October 2013