Welcome to my blog and thank you for visiting aidsmap.com. I’ve just started as the Funding Development Officer in the Communications Team. I’m really enthusiastic to be joining such dynamic, fantastic and committed people here at NAM. Of course before I started this new position I was really nervous but as soon as I came into the office on my first day I knew this would be a great place to work.
My first couple of weeks have been busy and I had a great induction schedule planned for my arrival. I’ve had the opportunity to meet with everyone and had some really informative meetings to help me get a feel of all the different roles in the team. I’ve also been able to get stuck into some project work and do lots of reading about the organisation so I could gain a full understanding of what NAM is about. I’ve used NAM’s resources in previous voluntary positions so I was aware of the important role NAM plays for people living with HIV and health and social care professionals working in the sector. Having started here, I can see that NAM really does have a leading team to report on the latest news and to produce and develop vital, relevant and current information on HIV.
A key part of my role here will be to help NAM sustain its work into the future. As a charity, NAM relies on the valuable and generous contribution its funders and individual donors have made over the years. NAM has always been grateful that our funders understand the importance of reliable, quality, up to date information about HIV. I’ve had lots of experience working and volunteering in HIV, both in the UK and overseas, so I am looking forward to sharing this passion with funders and continuing to work with these organisations, keeping them updated about NAM’s work and demonstrating their contribution to NAM makes a real measurable difference to people living with and working in HIV all over the world.
I believe HIV information is crucial for patients and professionals, and I’m keen to make sure funding for HIV stays at the top of people’s agendas and priorities so that they are as passionate as we are.