This World Hepatitis Day – visit

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The field of hepatitis is changing fast. Take a moment this World Hepatitis Day (Sunday 28 July) to update yourself by visiting the new hepatitis website – and let your networks know about this new resource.

Hepatitis is one of the most common co-infections affecting people with HIV and we know that many people who use our HIV information are also affected by hepatitis, or are working in the hepatitis field.


We have recently developed a new website called, in partnership with the European Liver Patients Association (ELPA).

The aim of is to develop a high-quality online resource to increase awareness of viral hepatitis, its treatment, and the needs of people living with hepatitis in Europe.

  • We want to provide access to accurate, clear information to support health professionals and advocates working in the hepatitis field across Europe.
  • We want to provide information to support the development of the public health and human rights cases for access to hepatitis treatment.
  • We want you to get involved!

Take a look around

Take a tour of – and let us know what you think. Why not start with…

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