First prize for in BMA competition

This article is more than 18 years old. has been awarded first prize in the Patient Information Website category of the 2006 British Medical Association’s (BMA) Medical Books Competition.

NAM’s website was praised by the reviewers for providing “basic and advanced information in four languages” and for its accessible layout. The judging panel also praised aidsmap’s daily news coverage.

Two other awards were also won by NAM in this year’s BMA awards. The 'HIV and mental health' patient information booklet was Highly Commended in the Patient Information Written Materials category. The reviewers commented on the “amount of useful information” it contained. The 'anti-HIV drugs' information booklet, which is now in its seventh edition, was Commended, with the reviewers commenting that it contained information that both patients and doctors would find useful.

“We are delighted that has won this award,” said NAM’s Director, Caspar Thomson. He added, “we are strongly committed to the BMA’s aim of improving patient knowledge and understanding, so that people with HIV can actively participate in their treatment and care, and live longer, healthier lives.”

Since 1999, NAM has won 15 awards in the annual BMA Medical Books Competition including one other First Prize, nine Highly Commended awards and five Commended awards.