NAM information forum summary now online: 10th CROI feedback

This article is more than 22 years old.

At the end of February NAM held an information forum at the University of London Union for people living with HIV and the healthcare professionals who provide services to them.

Dr. Mervyn Tyrer, Consultant at the Royal Free Hospital presented a comprehensive, thoughtful and entertaining summary of the major news from the 10th conference on retroviruses and opportunistic infections. A summary of his talk is available here.

The next forum will be held at the same venue on Monday 31st March. Dr. John Wright from the Nkosi Johnson unit at the West London Centre for Sexual Health and Gus Cairns, Editor-in-Chief, Positive Nation magazine will discuss complementary therapies commonly used by people living with HIV.

All events are free, there is no need to register and refreshments are provided.