Well, it’s most definitely raining. Which is a bit of a shame as I’m currently training for the 10k run in London next month to raise money for NAM. Yep that’s right, I've finally put my money where my mouth is and after years of recruiting people to run the race I thought I would have a go myself! I've even purchased some 'running tights' which sound frightening but are actually just runners lingo for leggings, phew. If you want to put some of your hard earned pennies to a good cause then you can sponsor me via my fundraising page.
I’m certainly no expert, but soggy trainers, soaked clothes and blurred vision are not ideal running conditions, however, I am learning to embrace them! My race pack arrived in the post today which means it’s all definitely happening and I’m going to be joining 25,000 people to run around the sights of London to raise money and awareness for good causes, in my case, NAM.
This year I’m going to be in exceptionally good company as there are six other keen runners who will be joining me on race day to make up the NAM Team and raise funds to support our work. We’ve a specialist registrar, a detective inspector, a local government officer, a pharmacist, a clinical nurse specialist and a Russian translator all running for us - a reflection of the diverse range of people from all walks of life that use and benefit from NAM’s information day in day out.
I've worked for NAM for over three years now and am lucky to be able to see first hand how much of a positive impact NAM’s resources make on people’s lives. There's no way I would have worked somewhere for so long (and equally no way I’d be running in the rain in ‘tights’) if I didn't wholeheartedly believe in the cause, so if you feel able please do consider sponsoring me or one of our brilliant team below and help us to continue to support people with HIV to live a long, healthy life.
Below is the brilliant NAM Team 10k Team! We've got Richard, Siobhan, Stanislav, Ros, Mike and Lucy. Click on their picture below to go to their fundraising page and find out why they're running for NAM, and please do sponsor them if you can.