Yesterday, on Sunday 12th July, several thousand people in London were grateful for a change in the weather! Overcast and with a cool breeze, conditions were perfect for the British 10K London Run around the city centre.
We were delighted to spot Tara and Tom running past, and we caught up with them after the race. They have not only trained and run like the wind around the course, but have also been raising sponsorship money for NAM. We are so grateful to them for their support, and also to our other runners who couldn't make the race in the end, but still managed to raise money for us. You are all superstars in our eyes!
Please, if you value our work and the efforts of our runners to raise money for us, consider donating to them – links to their online fundraising pages can be found below. All money raised for NAM will help us continue to share free, up-to-date and reliable HIV information with you and our other readers around the world.
Thank you!
A message from Tara W
Tara says, “The opportunity to run the British 10k for NAM has not only given me the push I needed to get myself fitter, healthier and happier, but raising money for charity has given me extra focus and determination. Receiving donations from so many of my friends and family is a great motivator.
Running helped me overcome a spell of postnatal depression after having my second daughter and so, rather selfishly, I have benefited massively from being a part of the NAM team, and can't wait to cross the finish line, however long that takes! My friend Greta works for NAM and is the reason I'm running, so I know the money raised will be put to amazing work.
If you want to sponsor me and raise money for NAM you can visit my fundraising page here.”
A message from Tom W
Tom says, "I am running for NAM because knowledge is power. NAM is working to create a world where quality information on HIV is available free of charge to everyone, everywhere, at anytime.
Access to quality information is absolutely critical to enable individuals and communities affected by HIV to protect themselves, care for others, advocate for better services and challenge stigma and discrimination.
If you want to sponsor me and raise money for NAM you can visit my fundraising page here.”