It's conference countdown here at NAM and the office is a hive of activity.... Well almost - our editors have arrived in Vienna so they are all set for reporting on the major conference sessions. The free materials we are taking to give away to delegates have been shipped…and hopefully have arrived! Conferences are NAM’s busiest times of the year and the International AIDS conference, held this year in Vienna, is certainly no different.
With approximately 25,000 participants, AIDS 2010 is one of the major scientific conferences of the year for the HIV world, this year focusing on universal access and full human rights for all those affected by HIV.
There are hundreds of reasons why it is difficult, sometimes impossible, for organisations to attend conferences, but this is no reason why you should miss out on the vital, and at times groundbreaking, information they provide. NAM’s seven-strong team of editors will be working throughout the conference, reporting on the latest findings and research, and bringing you all the news from the conference.
NAM’s free news e-bulletins will keep you right up to date with what’s going on at the conference and, as the official online news provider for AIDS 2010, you won’t miss a thing.
Sign up to receive our conference bulletins here.
News reporting aside, conferences are a fantastic platform for us to meet delegates, to talk to the people who use our information, find out about their organisations and get valuable feedback about what NAM’s doing right, and what we might be doing wrong.
We’re lucky enough to have an exhibition stand at the conference this year, and Claire, Sylvie, Zoe and I will be stood beside our huge multicoloured stand (no. 502) for the duration of the conference.
If you are coming to the conference we would really like to meet you and hear about your projects and work. We are going to have a delegates page on aidsmap.com, so will ask if we can take a piccie and post it on the website – helping you promote and share the work you are doing.
We are all really excited about being able to show you what NAM’s been up to this year and to primarily shout about and showcase the brand new version of aidsmap.com.
The team at NAM has been working particularly hard over the past nine months; we’ve redesigned, re-worked and revolutionised aidsmap.com into what is now a more comprehensive, accessible and effective information source for all people living with or working with HIV and AIDS.
We’d love to show you all the fantastic new features, improved functionality and tools that can help you in your work and if you are attending the conference, and have a spare minute, come and say hello, it’s your opinions and your comments that shape and guide our work and it's really important to us to hear your feedback.