Adventurers with HIV – a photo gallery

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Back in November we sent out a call for adventurous people with HIV to get in touch and tell us about their experiences.

One of our editors, Gus Cairns, has been talking to the people who got in touch and thinking about what drives people to do extraordinary things.

One of the people featured in the article, Nicola, told us, “Many people have a list of places to see before they die, but it’s like HIV gave me permission to work through the list.”



The study of the way people think, behave and interact. Psychological therapies are based on talking and working with people to understand the causes of mental health problems and develop strategies to deal with them. Psychologists have specialist training but are not medical doctors.

The resulting article, Peak experiences, touches on psychology, endorphins, spirituality, challenge, risk, satisfaction and transformation…

The article will be published in the next edition of HIV treatment update, due out in late January, before being published online. But we thought we’d give you a sneak preview of some of the beautiful photos people sent in.

Another featured adventurer, Anthony says, “It’s a life-affirming thing – something I would never have done if I’d not been diagnosed with HIV.”

HIV treatment update

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