On Tuesday 26 November, we hosted a World AIDS Day aidsmapLIVE special, part of our series of live panel discussions broadcast on social media.
aidsmapLIVE: The past, present & future of HIV gave us the opportunity to remember those we’ve lost, consider the challenges we face today and look to the future for upcoming advances in HIV. Our panel members were Jide Macaulay, Jonathan Blake, Dr Steve Taylor, Becky Kroger, Rebecca De Havilland and NAM's Matthew Hodson. NAM's Susan Cole hosted the event.
Thank you to all our panel members, studio audience, and everyone who watched online and took part in the discussion.
You can watch the event below on YouTube, on Facebook and on Twitter.
The past, present & future of HIV was the third aidsmapLIVE that we have organised and hosted; our first was held in November 2018 and covered the most important issues to come out of the 22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018). We also broadcast an aidsmapLIVE on HIV and mental health in August this year.
We will be hosting further aidsmapLIVE events next year – please do join us for these discussions on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
If you would like to make a donation this World AIDS Day to support our valuable work, please visit our donation pages.