15,000 people will receive T-20 in 2003

This article is more than 22 years old.

Enough T-20 (Fuzeon) will be made in 2003 to treat 15,000 people, according to the drug’s manufacturer Roche. Although this is less than originally forecast, Roche has emphasised that there will be continuity of supply for everybody already receiving the drug.

By the end of 2004, enough T-20 will be made to treat 32,000 patients and manufacture will be further expand in 2005, with sufficient supplies for 39,000.

A specialist manufacturing facility in Boulder, Colorado is dedicated to T-20 production, but according to Roche the drug’s complexity means that it takes longer to produce than originally hoped.


named patient basis prescribing

A means of access to an unlicensed drug, in which a doctor requests supplies from its manufacturer for a specific individual.

expanded access scheme

A programme that allows access to an experimental drug outside clinical trials for people in particular need.

In November this year a limited expanded access scheme, which made T-20 on a named patient basis to a small number of patients in the UK and internationally, was launched by Roche, click here for details.

Further information on this website

T-20 - drug overview and summary of research.