We’ve been working on the design and development of a new website for Community action on harm reduction, a project which works in five countries, expanding access to harm reduction services for injecting drug users.
The new website has now been launched – you can find it here: www.cahrproject.org
The CAHR project
Injecting drug use is a hugely significant driver of the HIV epidemic worldwide. CAHR is working with community-based organisations; involving people who use drugs in the design and delivery of services; sharing knowledge and increasing capacity, with the aim of bringing harm reduction services to more than 180,000 injecting drug users.
The CAHR project is supported by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance and draws on the expertise of a network of international partner organisations. The focus of the project is in five key countries – India, Indonesia, Kenya, China and Malaysia.
The website brings together resources, case studies and news from the project to support people working at the frontline of services. The website is an open and accessible resource for anyone with an interest in HIV, drug use and community involvement in harm reduction.
Design and web development from NAM
We worked with the team at the Alliance, based in the UK and in the Ukraine, to develop a design and structure for the website which would be clear and simple, with its own identity and quick access to key resources.
As well as clear navigation, the homepage also delivers:
- the latest news from the project
- the latest publications
- quick links to the country project pages
- what people are saying about harm reduction on twitter.
“It looks fantastic! It really does get across the human impact, the complexity and the spirit of collective effort that shapes CAHR.” Susie McLean, International HIV/AIDS Alliance
Want to find out more about CAHR?
For more information on the CAHR project, visit the new website: www.cahrproject.org
Can NAM help you?
NAM has a longstanding track record of developing and delivering high-quality accessible websites and resources. We understand the importance of creating resources that are appropriate and relevant to the needs of their users, and use design effectively to help people engage with key messages.
If you are developing your own website, or information materials, and would like some help or advice, then please get in touch at info@nam.org.uk