Showing 389 results

Filters Content type: News, Editors' picks Topic: Condoms & lubricant

Male and female condoms provide excellent protection against HIV and most other sexually transmitted infections. Lubricants can be used to increase comfort and make breakages less likely.

Rulings on HIV non-disclosure raise concerns

Editor's pick
The Lawyers Weekly
15 October 2012

Religions play positive role in African AIDS crisis

Editor's pick
Eurekalert Medicine & Health
17 September 2012

Zambia: Addressing Challenges in Female Condom Use

Editor's pick
Times of Zambia
22 August 2012

INDONESIA: Condom controversy continues

Editor's pick
23 July 2012

Paper Dolls, Female Condoms and HIV

Editor's pick
28 June 2012

Spain cuts condoms from HIV campaign

Editor's pick
Gay Star News
21 June 2012