Showing 1,117 news articles about HIV prevention policy

Filters Content type: Editors' picks Topic: HIV prevention policy

The politics of HIV prevention, as well as national and international strategies and policies for public health.

Is Moldova Leading the World on Harm Reduction in Prisons?

Editor's pick
Huffington Post (blog)
6 February 2014

VICTORY: CDC responds to Open Letter, commits to condom clarity

Editor's pick
HIV Prevention Justice Alliance
30 January 2014

Changing the game in Europe

Editor's pick
30 January 2014

New York state guidance on PrEP

Editor's pick
New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute
15 January 2014

Record highs of sexually transmitted infections in UK's MSM

Editor's pick
The Lancet Infectious Diseases (requires free registration)
18 December 2013

BC study calls for needle exchange, HIV treatment for inmates

Editor's pick
The Globe and Mail
17 December 2013

Gay Men Having More Unprotected Sex, but Truvada has Changed Game

Editor's pick
New Republic
16 December 2013