Showing 306 news articles about PrEP policies & guidelines

Filters Content type: Editors' picks Topic: PrEP policies & guidelines

Health service and government policies on the licensing, provision and reimbursement of oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Expert guidelines, based on research evidence, to help clinicians provide care to PrEP users.

Gilead: Stop Blocking PrEP

Editor's pick
Act Up Dublin
1 May 2019

PrEP vs. Privacy

Editor's pick
29 April 2019

Over the counter PrEP access raises concerns

Editor's pick
Bay Area Reporter
29 March 2019

Councils seek NHS funding to cover drug trial pressures

Editor's pick
Health Service Journal
27 March 2019

Obituary: Mags Portman died on February 6th

Editor's pick
The Economist (requires free registration)
15 March 2019