Showing 374 news articles about Pregnancy and vertical transmission

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Information about the use of antiretroviral drugs in pregnancy and other aspects of care for HIV-positive women during pregnancy, so as to prevent vertical transmission and ensure the best outcomes for both mother and infant.

Zambia: PMTCT Real Life Story

Editor's pick
Times of Zambia
21 August 2014

The Weakest Link of HIV Prevention in Africa – Contraception

Editor's pick
Inter Press Service
15 August 2014

Nigeria Wakes Up to its AIDS Threat

Editor's pick
Inter Press Service
4 August 2014

On AIDS: Three Lessons From Africa

Editor's pick
New York Times
4 August 2014

HIV drugs treatment to start earlier - Motsoaledi

Editor's pick
Independent Online
23 July 2014

The Failure of the ABC Approach to HIV Prevention

Editor's pick
Communications Initiative
8 July 2014

The maternal mental health of migrant women

Editor's pick
Better Health
14 March 2014

Freeing babies from being born with HIV

Editor's pick
Public Health England
11 March 2014

Dangerous Combo: Violence in Pregnancy and HIV in South Africa

Editor's pick
Inter Press Service
10 March 2014

Mother to child HIV transmission at record low in the UK

Editor's pick
Eurekalert Medicine & Health
25 February 2014

Malnutrition decreases effectiveness of HIV treatment in pregnant African women

Editor's pick
Eurekalert Medicine & Health
19 February 2014