Showing 380 news articles about The search for an HIV prevention vaccine

Filters Content type: Editors' picks Topic: The search for an HIV prevention vaccine

News and information about research that may lead scientists to develop a vaccine that HIV-negative people could take to reduce their risk of HIV infection.

Vaccine trial: Community trust is key

Editor's pick
Fred Hutch
17 February 2017

Treatment Action Group: Pipeline Report 2016

Editor's pick
Treatment Action Group
15 July 2016

Improving the Effect of HIV Drugs by Use of the Tat Vaccine

Editor's pick
Istituto Superiore di Sanità press release
13 June 2016

Large-Scale HIV Vaccine Trial to Launch in South Africa

Editor's pick
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
18 May 2016

New tools to fight AIDS

Editor's pick
Boston Globe
21 February 2016