Showing 2,392 news articles about HIV treatment

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Treatment is recommended for all people living with HIV. It involves taking a combination of antiretroviral drugs. This stops the virus from replicating and allows the immune system to strengthen and fight infections.

New HIV Treatment Guidelines – A Major Step in Revolutionising HIV Treatment and Prevention in Australia

Editor's pick
National Association of People with HIV/AIDS (NAPWA)
30 March 2012

Study: Treat First Stage of HIV Infection

Editor's pick
MedPage Today
29 March 2012

Avexa closer to EMA approval for ATC

Editor's pick
Australian Life Scientist
23 March 2012

Copy of ARV Liver Toxicity in HIV/Hep C Coinfected Patients on the Decline

Editor's pick
Kaiser Daily Global Health Policy Report
16 March 2012

Reminders By Text Messages Help HIV Patients Stick To Antiretroviral Drug Therapy

Editor's pick
HIV / AIDS News From Medical News Today
15 March 2012

Less experienced providers more likely to defer ART for IDUs

Editor's pick
International AIDS Society
15 March 2012