Showing 217 news articles about Starting treatment

Filters Content type: Editors' picks Topic: Starting treatment

Everyone who has diagnosed HIV is recommended to take HIV treatment. It is better for your health to begin HIV treatment sooner, rather than later.

WHO issues new HIV recommendations calling for earlier treatment

Editor's pick
World Health Organization
30 June 2013

When to Start ART in Africa — An Urgent Research Priority

Editor's pick
New England Journal of Medicine
23 February 2013

Early HIV drugs 'slow virus down'

Editor's pick
BBC Health
17 January 2013

Nigeria: MSD Introduces New HIV Drug, Atripla

Editor's pick
5 December 2012

South Africa: Surviving On an Empty Stomach

Editor's pick
31 October 2012

Diverse factors influence choice of first ART regimen in Swiss study

Editor's pick
International AIDS Society
9 October 2012

CD4 Counts Not Affected by Alcohol Consumption

Editor's pick
25 September 2012

Thalidomide for HIV-Related IRIS Shows Promise

Editor's pick
24 September 2012

Decline in transmitted resistance to ARVs in UK leveled off in 2009

Editor's pick
International AIDS Society
3 September 2012