Showing 680 news articles about UK health services

Filters Content type: Editors' picks Topic: UK health services

News and information about the delivery of healthcare services for people living with HIV in the United Kingdom.

Councils seek NHS funding to cover drug trial pressures

Editor's pick
Health Service Journal
27 March 2019

Sex clinics show how competition can improve England’s NHS

Editor's pick
The Economist (requires free registration)
15 March 2019

England: Countdown to hep C eradication

Editor's pick
Drink & Drug News
5 February 2019

England: HIV Prevention Innovation Fund 2018-2019

Editor's pick
Public Health England
31 January 2019

For the greatest impact, end caps on PrEP access now

Editor's pick
Lancet HIV (editorial)
25 January 2019

PrEP IMPACT trial update – January 2019

Editor's pick
NHS England
23 January 2019