Showing 1,829 news articles about Access to healthcare

Filters Content type: Editors' picks Topic: Access to healthcare

News and information about universal access to health care; the impact of restrictive policies and financial challenges on access to treatment; drug stock-outs; and scaling up services.

Study shows drug patents can be extended for decades

Editor's pick
Intellectual Property Watch
12 November 2012

SOUTH AFRICA: Easy patents cost patients

Editor's pick
IRIN Plus News
6 November 2012

IPAB revokes patent on Roche Hepatitis C drug

Editor's pick
Hindu Business Line
2 November 2012

Concern raised about finance scheme for malaria drugs

Editor's pick
BBC News
25 October 2012

Indonesia Plans To Include HIV Treatment In Universal Health Care Coverage

Editor's pick
Kaiser Daily Global Health Policy Report
25 October 2012

Pool Welcomes Anna Zakowicz As Newest Governance Board Member

Editor's pick
Medicines Patent Pool
19 October 2012

Namibia: New ARV Drug Launched

Editor's pick
18 October 2012

MYANMAR: Closing the HIV/AIDS “treatment gap”

Editor's pick
Google Alerts HIV
12 October 2012

Tanzania investigates fake HIV drugs

Editor's pick
BBC News
12 October 2012

SOUTH AFRICA: Revamped AIDS council makes its debut

Editor's pick
IRIN Plus News
10 October 2012