Showing 211 results

Filters Content type: News, Editors' picks, About HIV Topic: Drug policy & policing

News and information about policies on psychoactive drug use, including education, support for people with drug dependence disorders, the criminalisation of drug use, law enforcement, decriminalisation and legalisation.

The Drugs Consensus Is Not Pretty - It's Been Ripped Apart at the Seams

Editor's pick
International Drug Policy Consortium
4 May 2016

The case for a harm reduction decade

Editor's pick
Harm Reduction International
16 March 2016

Outflanking the war on drugs?

Editor's pick
3 March 2016

Negotiating the UNGASS outcome document: Challenges and the way forward

Editor's pick
International Drug Policy Consortium
17 February 2016

Prison needle programs touted to reduce HIV and Hep C

Editor's pick
Toronto Star
3 February 2016

Heroin, Survivor of War on Drugs, Returns With New Face

Editor's pick
New York Times
24 November 2015