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Filters Content type: News, Editors' picks, About HIV Topic: Cancer

HIV infection and damage to the immune system can disrupt the ability of the body to keep infections under control and to stop some cancers from growing. Rates of some, but not all, cancers are higher in people living with HIV than other people.

Teenage boys to be vaccinated against cancer-causing HPV

Editor's pick
The Guardian
24 July 2018

Lung Cancer Incidence in HIV Remains High Years After Smoking Cessation

Editor's pick
Infectious Disease Advisor
11 July 2018

Superior AIDS-Kaposi’s Sarcoma Treatment Identified

Editor's pick
National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
27 June 2018

Increased Risk for Skin Cancer Among HIV-Infected Individuals

Editor's pick
Dermatology Advisor
30 April 2018

Increased Mortality Among Lung Cancer Patients with HIV

Editor's pick
MD Magazine
25 April 2018

HIV-Associated Cancers: A Paradigm Shift?

Editor's pick
Cancer Therapy Advisor
23 April 2018

HPV vaccine lacks efficacy in adults with HIV

Editor's pick
23 April 2018