Patient and public involvement in UK health forums sought: opportunity to promote HIV strategy?

This article is more than 21 years old.

Users of the UK’s National Health Service are being given the opportunity to voice their opinions about health policy in new consultative forums being established by the British government.

Recruitment to the new, independent, Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Forums is open until December. According to the government, it is hoped that the PPI Forums “will play a vital role in making sure patients’ and the public’s views are heard and acted upon by all those involved in making decisions about heatlh.” The PPI Forums could provide an opportunity to ensure that the National Sexual Health and HIV Strategy remains a health priority.

Just under 600 PPI Forums will be established across the UK, and the government is hoping that they will act as an independent watch on the quality of local healthcare, as well as helping to shape health policy.


exclusion criteria

Defines who cannot take part in a research study. Eligibility criteria may include disease type and stage, other medical conditions, previous treatment history, age, and gender. For example, many trials exclude women who are pregnant, to avoid any possible danger to a baby, or people who are taking a drug that might interact with the treatment being studied.

The Forums will also monitor and inspect health services.

A majority of PPI Forum members will be patients and members of the public, but it is also intended to involve voluntary and community organisations with an interest in healthcare. It is hoped that the membership of the Forums will reflect the range of people in the local community. Anybody over 18 years of age can apply for membership, however NHS employees, elected councillors and some other local officials are excluded from membership.

Each Forum will be consist of at least seven members, although it is expected that each will have a total membership of between 15 and 20.

Members will be recruited in two phases. The initial phase will recruit eight members, and the deadline for applications is October 6th 2003. From December 2003 Forums will recruit additional members, with numbers and timing decided by each individual PPI Forum.

Applications can be made on-line here, or an application pack can be requested by calling 0845 120 7115.