European expert to draft guidance on resistance testing

This article is more than 23 years old.

European clinicians, virologists and activists are joining forces to generate guidelines on the use of drug resistance testing in people with HIV.

The Resistance Guidelines Initiative, co-chaired by Veronica Miller of the Goethe University, Frankfurt, and Joep Lange of the University of Amsterdam, and facilitated by the European AIDS Treatment Group and the European AIDS Clinical Society, will deliver their first report at the 7th European Conference on Clinical Aspects and Treatment of HIV Infection to be held in Lisbon in October.

Tests which detect and measure HIV drug resistance are slowly being introduced into clinical care in some HIV treatment centres. However, their application is hampered by doctors’ lack of experience in using and interpreting them, and a lack of evidence about the best ways to use them. The Resistance Guidelines Initiative is tasked with identifying ways to gather and share this missing information.