Thanks for your support

On 1 July, we announced, with heavy hearts, the proposed closure of our beloved charity, NAM aidsmap. After 37 years of pioneering health journalism, community engagement, and empowerment through information, we will cease operations this summer. Read the full statement here.

This means, with immediate effect, we are no longer able to accept donations or financial support. 

If you are a regular donor, please be advised that your direct debit payment has been cancelled in line with charity regulations and fundraising guidelines. However, as many direct debits were processed on the same day as the our announced closure, you may find that this donation was processed by your bank. 

If you made a donation to us on or after the 1 July, please contact to confirm if you would like this donation returned, so that we, as a charity can act in good faith.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported our vision for a world where HIV is no longer a threat to health or happiness. Together, we have made a difference.

How you can support us