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Broadcasts and digital media with information, news and discussion about HIV.

aidsmapLIVE: HIV and unmet needs

20 May 2024

With Sophie Strachan from the Sophia Forum; Revd Jide Macaulay from the House of Rainbow; Eli Fitzgerald from Positively UK; Dr Sara Paparini from the SHARE Collaborative; and James Cole from the National AIDS Trust.

EACS 2023: Conference highlights

22 October 2023

At EACS 2023, we asked Professor Jürgen Rockstroh from the governing board of the European AIDS Clinical Society, about his highlights from the conference.

EACS 2023: HIV services during the war in Ukraine

21 October 2023

At EACS 2023, Olga Gvozdetska, acting Deputy Director General of the Ukrainian Public Health Center, spoke to NAM aidsmap's Roger Pebody about HIV services during the war in Ukraine.

IAS 2023: Key population services after Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act

1 August 2023

At IAS 2023, aidsmap's Krishen Samuel spoke to the US Ambassador to Uganda, Natalie Brown, and Dr Vamsi Vasireddy, who leads PEPFAR programmes in Uganda, about services for key populations in Uganda following the Anti-Homosexuality Act.

aidsmapLIVE: World AIDS Day 2022 special

28 November 2022

With Professor Kevin Fenton from the UK Health Security Agency; Annah Sango from the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+); Dr Vanessa Apea from Barts Health NHS Trust; Bruce Richman from the Prevention Access Campaign; and James Cole from STOPAIDS.

HIV Glasgow 2022: Refugee HIV care in Poland

1 November 2022

At HIV Glasgow 2022, Dr Miłosz Parczewski, President of the Polish AIDS Society, spoke to Roger Pebody about HIV care for Ukrainian refugees in Poland. 

EACS 2021: Access to care in the pandemic

12 November 2021

Elena Vovc from the World Health Organization talks about the COVID-19 pandemic and how it has impacted HIV diagnoses, treatment and prevention. Elena presented these findings at a session at the EACS 2021 conference.

aidsmapCHAT: Winnie Byanyima special

13 September 2021

With the Executive Director of UNAIDS, Winnie Byanyima.

aidsmapCHAT: series 4, episode 2

7 June 2021

With consultant physician in sexual health and HIV at Barts Health NHS Trust, Dr Rageshri Dhairyawan; human rights activist from Prevention Access Campaign, Deondre B. Moore; and co-founder of Access to Medicines Ireland, Robbie Lawlor.

aidsmapCHAT: series 4, episode 1

24 May 2021

With actor and writer from comedy series ‘Merce’, and TheBody, Charles Sanchez; HIV activist from Positive Young Women Voices, Lucy Wanjiku Njenga; and Chair of the British Association for Sexual Health & HIV (BASHH), Dr John McSorley.

aidsmapCHAT: series 3, episode 5

28 January 2021

With writer at TheBody, Juan Michael Porter II; researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and EATG member, Maryan Said; and former BHIVA Chair and President Elect of the Medical Women's Federation, Professor Chloe Orkin.

aidsmapCHAT: series 3, episode 4

14 January 2021

With Professor Linda-Gail Bekker, Director of the Desmond Tutu HIV Centre; Edwin Sesange, LGBT rights campaigner; and Todd Cooper, a medical student who's working on the COVID frontline.

aidsmapLIVE: COVID-19 vaccines

17 December 2020

With sexual health and HIV consultants, Dr Rageshri Dhairyawan and Dr Vanessa Apea; House Of Rainbow founding Pastor, Rev Jide Macaulay; and activist Mercy Shibemba.

aidsmapCHAT: series 3, episode 3

3 December 2020

With Dr Tristan Barber from the Royal Free Hospital, doctor and radio host Sindi van Zyl and 'London patient' Adam Castillejo, who has been cured of HIV.

aidsmapLIVE: World AIDS Day 2020 special

26 November 2020

With HIV doctor and Chair of the British HIV Association, Dr Laura Waters; Director, Regional Support Team for Eastern Europe and Central Asia at UNAIDS, Vinay Saldanha; Adviser, Global HIV, Hepatitis and STI Programmes at the World Health Organization, Andy Seale; and Head of Programmes at GNP+, Georgina Caswell.

aidsmapWOMEN: Taking care of your health/COVID-19 special

15 October 2020

NAM's Susan Cole talks to four women about the health issues women with HIV are experiencing during COVID-19: Mercy Shibemba, an award-winning youth HIV activist; Rebecca Mbewe, a speaker, trainer and mentor living with HIV for the past 23 years; Janine McGregor-Read, a peer navigator based at Homerton Hospital living with HIV for the past 30 years; and Dr Vanessa Apea, an HIV and sexual health consultant at Barts Hospital in London.

aidsmapCHAT: series 1, episode 7

21 May 2020

With Shannon Hader, Deputy Executive Director of Programme at UNAIDS; Winifred lkilai, who works with the AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (AVAC); and Julia Marcus, infectious disease epidemiologist and Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School.

aidsmapLIVE: COVID-19 & HIV

27 March 2020

With Chair of the British HIV Association (BHIVA), Dr Laura Waters; doctor and radio host in South Africa, Dr Sindi van Zyl; Co Chair of the Sophia Forum and BHIVA Communications Officer, Jo Josh; and NAM aidsmap Editor, Gus Cairns.