Enteric-coated ddI: UK named patient scheme begins

This article is more than 24 years old.

A new formulation of the once-daily nucleoside analogue, ddI, is now available in the UK on a named patient basis. Enteric-coated ddI, currently an unlicensed product, has been developed by manufacturer Bristol-Myers Squibb to improve tolerability. Whilst approved formulations of ddI must be dissolved in water, or clear apple juice, before being taken, enteric-coated ddI can be swallowed without this additional step.

Named patient programmes allow unlicensed drugs to be made available on the basis of need to doctors who apply on the behalf of a named patient, and agree to be responsible for the patient's welfare as a result. To qualify for BMS's named patient scheme, patients should either be treatment naive, OR have failed on their last regimen and/or have suspected resistance to their current regimen, OR be intolerant to the 200mg tablet formulation of ddI.

Physicians who are interested in finding out more about the scheme should contact the Named Patient Administrator on 020 8754 3788. Please note that the Administrator cannot provide information about the scheme to patients, who should instead discuss their treatment options with their doctor.