Each month NAM host information forums for people living with HIV at the University of London Union in central London.
The events are designed to facilitate dialogue between HIV-positive people and the UK’s leading researchers and providers of HIV-related care and are an excellent opportunity to meet other people living with HIV.
In January, Dr. Anton Pozniak from the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and Michael Carter, patient information editor at NAM, gave insightful, thought-provoking and at times humourous talks about their respective experience of tuberculosis.
The summary report can be read by clicking
The events are open to all, are free of charge and a sign language interpreter will be available.
In the coming months the following forums will be taking place:
Feedback from the Tenth Retroviruses Conference in Boston, on February 24 2003 7.00p.m-9.00pm
Dr. Mervyn Tyrer, Royal Free Hospital
Keith Alcorn, Senior Editor, NAM
HIV and Complementary Therapies on March 31 2003 7.00p.m-9.00pm
Dr John Wright, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
For further information email forums@nam.org.uk