What do you think of the Sexual Health & HIV Policy EUROBulletin?
We want to ensure that the Sexual Health & HIV Policy EUROBulletin is relevant and valuable, so we want to hear your feedback and comments.
Is it relevant to your work? Is there anything we can do to improve it?
Please take a few minutes to tell us what you think by filling in our online survey.
About the EUROBulletin
The EUROBulletin provides a regular round-up of European policy developments, evidence updates and resources in the field of HIV and sexual health. Each issue also has a feature, usually an interview offering commentary on policy issues of relevance and interest.
We are particularly interested in your feedback on the most recent issues:
- May 2023 newsletter and feature interview with Dr Silvia de Zordo on the Europe Abortion Access Project.
- July 2023 newsletter and feature interview with Nikolay Lunchenkov on supporting LGBT health in eastern Europe and central Asia.
- September 2023 newsletter and feature interview with Esteban Martínez on the European AIDS Conference revisiting Warsaw.