aidsmap news: Novel drugs that turn HIV against itself might clear infected cells from the body, 11 July 2023

News from aidsmap


Novel drugs that turn HIV against itself might clear infected cells from the body

Scientists from the pharmaceutical company Merck have published the first detailed data about a subset of the familiar non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) drugs that, in addition to inhibiting HIV’s ability to copy itself, may be able to kill off HIV-infected cells by causing the virus to ‘poison’ the cells it depends on for replication.

US Black gay and bisexual men stigmatised by PrEP ads targeted for them

Black gay and bisexual men in the US prefer PrEP advertisements that feature couples with racial, sexual, and gender diversity, according to a mixed methods study published in PLOS ONE. The men found diverse couple composition in ads to be less stigmatising than ads solely featuring Black gay and bisexual male couples, and more appealing than ads featuring no couples.

NAM news & opinion: Supporting LGBT health in eastern Europe and central Asia

Nikolay Lunchenkov is the Health Projects Coordinator at ECOM – the Eurasian Coalition for Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity – and a doctoral candidate in global health at the TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology in Germany. We spoke to Nikolay about LGBT health in eastern Europe and central Asia and the organisations working in this area.


Poorer adherence and higher HIV incidence among event-driven PrEP users in west African study

A west African PrEP cohort study has found that men using event-driven PrEP had poorer adherence and a higher risk of acquiring HIV compared to those using daily PrEP. Men who acquired HIV during the study described major difficulties adhering to the event-driven regimen, particularly in relation to planning for sex and remembering to continue to take their PrEP for two days after having sex.

UNAIDS uses simplistic gender norms to inform its HIV prevention guidelines

UNAIDS’ HIV prevention guidelines rely on reductive gender stereotypes placing a burden on girls and women, according to researchers. They found an overwhelming absence of targeted and precise guidelines for engaging boys and men, while girls and women were categorised as victims. 

Migrants who want PrEP struggle to access it in Belgium

Structural barriers impede Belgium-based migrants from accessing PrEP despite their willingness to take the HIV prevention drug. A recent study showed the country’s healthcare systems and PrEP reimbursement model are barriers for undocumented migrants and those who are experiencing financial hardship.

Earlier antiretroviral treatment has led to a major decline in TB among people with HIV in Switzerland

Rising CD4 counts and suppressed viral load on antiretroviral treatment have had a far greater impact on reducing new cases of tuberculosis (TB) in people with HIV in Switzerland than testing and preventive treatment for latent TB, researchers from the Swiss HIV Cohort report.

Coming soon: news from IAS 2023

IAS 2023

The 12th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2023) is taking place in Brisbane, Australia, and virtually, from 23 to 26 July. NAM aidsmap is delighted to be continuing its partnership with the International AIDS Society as an official scientific media partner for the conference.

We’ll be reporting on key research presented at IAS 2023, publishing news online and sending out five summary bulletins by email. As you receive our aidsmap news bulletin, you will automatically receive our conference bulletins.

Travel restrictions for people with HIV

Travel restrictions for people with HIV

Some countries limit entry for people with HIV. A small number have an entry ban and in others, restrictions only apply to longer stays.

Our updated page on travel restrictions for people with HIV has general guidance on current regulations across different continents. Restrictions can change with little notice so before you make travel plans, it is important to get up-to-date information.

HIV drugmakers Gilead and Teva didn’t pay to delay drugs, rules jury | POZ

The US$3.6 billion antitrust court case cleared Gilead Sciences and Teva of delaying the release of generic Truvada and other HIV meds.

Measures to fight stigma against HIV | European Economic and Social Committee

The European Economic and Social Committee agrees that the European institutions should issue a high-level declaration on eliminating HIV-related stigma and discrimination in Europe to be presented to the European Parliament on 1 December 2023.

Monkeypox outbreak: Thailand witnesses spike in cases within the LGBTQ+ community | Thaiger

A significant rise in monkeypox cases within Thailand was reported by health officials earlier this month, issuing a stern warning for men within the gay community, who seemed to be at an increased risk, to exercise necessary precautions amidst the ongoing monkeypox outbreak.

'Jarringly' low hep C cure rates a decade after new treatments, CDC says | MedPage Today

Only one in three US adults with hepatitis C virus infection have been cured since direct-acting antivirals became available 10 years ago, CDC data showed.

OPINION: With the right interventions we can help many more men start and stay on HIV treatment | Spotlight

Men are not indifferent about their health and they are not inherently poor health-seekers. If many of them are avoiding healthcare services, let’s consider that it may be because they are not getting what they need from the healthcare system.

Gates Foundation to fund trial of long-awaited new tuberculosis vaccine candidate | STAT

The Gates Foundation unveiled plans last month to fund a long-awaited trial for what, if proven effective, would be the first new tuberculosis vaccine in over a century.

Vacancy at NAM: Marketing and Communications Manager

Marketing and Communications Manager

We are looking for an experienced marketing and communications manager to join our team to help research and develop our marketing strategy, promote NAM’s work and build awareness of the charity and its outputs.

The role will help us to understand the communities we support and ensure that our vital information reaches those most affected by HIV.

Applications close at 6pm on 26 July.

Sexual health & HIV policy EUROBulletin


The July 2023 Sexual Health & HIV Policy EUROBulletin is available to read online.

In this edition's feature, we hear from Nikolay Lunchenkov from ECOM – the Eurasian Coalition for Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity – about the key issues in LGBT health in eastern Europe and central Asia and the challenges facing organisations there.

Other items to look out for include: a study on refugees returning to Ukraine to access reproductive health care; reports of steep increases in gonorrhoea diagnoses; new guidance on unexplained infertility; and a new edition of the HPV Prevention Policy Atlas.

Fight HIV Stigma at the World AIDS Day RED RUN!

Red Run

Join team aidsmap on Saturday 25 November 2023 for the World AIDS Day RED RUN in Victoria Park, east London. This annual 5km or 10km run (or walk!) is about fighting HIV stigma and raising awareness and vital funds to support HIV charities across the UK.