Coming soon: news from AIDS 2022

The 24th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2022) is taking place from 29 July to 2 August. It’s being held in Montréal, Canada, and virtually.

NAM aidsmap is delighted to be continuing its partnership with the International AIDS Society as an official scientific media partner for the conference.

AIDS 2022

The International AIDS Conference is the world’s largest conference on HIV and AIDS. This year, for the first time, it will be a hybrid conference, being held in both Montréal and virtually, to make it as accessible as possible. We are expecting it to be the first major HIV conference with a large number of delegates attending face-to-face sessions since 2019.

This year’s conference theme is ‘re-engage and follow the science’.

“AIDS 2022 will call on the world to come together to re-engage and follow the science. It will define future research agendas, shift latest evidence to action, and chart a new consensus on overcoming the HIV epidemic as a threat to public health and individual well-being.” Conference organisers

AIDS 2022 will feature research and discussions on:

  • Bringing injectable treatment and prevention to the people who need it.
  • Using antibiotics as post-exposure prophylaxis against sexually transmitted infections.
  • HIV remission after a stem cell transplant.
  • Health and human rights.

The AIDS 2022 programme is available on the official conference website, where you can find details of all the sessions, abstracts, Global Village events, pre-conferences and exhibitions.

Sharing knowledge, changing lives

We’ll be reporting on key research presented at the conference, publishing news online and sending out five summary bulletins by email, four during the week of the conference and one the following week. The bulletins will be available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Italian. If you already receive NAM’s regular email bulletins, you will automatically receive our conference bulletins. If you don’t, make sure you sign up so you don’t miss out.

All our AIDS 2022 news stories and bulletins will be published on our conference webpage:

NAM works to change lives by sharing information about HIV and you can help by sharing links to research presented at the conference. Please feel free to: