NAM says cheese

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Last month, something magical happened at NAM.

Every single member of the team took it in turns to down tools and stop what they were doing long enough to have their picture taken. The picture taker in question was the lovely Lee Tucker (below), a volunteer member of the ZoomIn Photography team (our next-door neighbours here in Lincoln House) who very kindly agreed to come in and give up his time to take photographs of the team. Lee brought Anna along with him and together they spent two mornings tirelessly snapping away in an attempt to make a very normal-looking bunch of people look good!

Given the new look of aidsmap, it felt high time that there should be photographs on the site - so you can see who it is that is working hard every day at NAM writing news articles, producing resources, gathering information and keeping in touch with our generous suppoters. And more importantly, so that you can put faces to the names you've been seeing on aidsmap for years (what on earth does that Keith bloke actually look like..?)

Never before has NAM had team photographs on our website, so this was a very momentous occasion indeed and we were so glad to have two fantastic photographers to help us out. Lee and Anna were brilliant and put everyone at ease to capture some great photographs. We are so grateful to them and ZoomIn for coming in and helping us out with the project, and would like to give them another big thank you from the whole team! 

We've now sorted through all of the photos (Lee was certainly thorough!) and have put them on our staff pages.