In the UK, there are hundreds of clinics and organisations offering a huge range of valuable services and support to people living with HIV. Our brilliant team of volunteers help us to keep in touch with them.
HIV services in the UK
Knowing what services are available and how to access them when you need them is a really important part of managing your health and wellbeing.
NAM produces extensive listings of HIV and HIV-related services across the UK. This information is used by people with HIV and by professionals, in order to find the services they need quickly and easily.
Listings include:
- where to have an HIV test;
- where to access HIV treatment and care;
- where to find support and information;
- where to go for advice and advocacy.
These listings are available online through our e-atlas. We also supply them to other organisations including the Terrence Higgins Trust and NHS Choices, so people can find the services they need when browsing other websites too. We work hard to make sure that this information is easily available and up to date.
Our hard-working volunteers
Keeping the details of some 2000 organisations up to date and relevant is a herculean and never-ending task, one that would be impossible without our dedicated team of volunteers. Every week, these valiant crusaders in the cause of HIV information give up their time to come into the office to look for new organisations, contact existing ones and diligently update our database. We would like to say a big “thank you!” for all the work they have done over the last year.
In a recent survey of NAM’s volunteers, the majority felt they had been able to develop new skills and had also increased their self-confidence. Volunteers who’ve moved on have gone on to paid employment or are studying.
One volunteer, who has used his experience at NAM as a stepping stone to a new career, said:
“I was able, thanks to volunteering at NAM, to find a job in a similar field where I wouldn’t have even been considered… based on my degree and experience. The knowledge I gained through working with NAM has very much helped me in my new job.”
Another volunteer told us that it was “nice to work in an environment where people take their roles seriously and yet are supportive and friendly. A breath of fresh air.”
For more information
If you are able to give up some time on a regular basis and like the idea of helping to change the lives of people with HIV, please send a CV to info@nam.org.uk or call 020 7837 6988.