The HIV Justice Network
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We’re delighted to have been involved in the design and development of the HIV Justice Network’s new website,, which launched in November.

What is the HIV Justice Network?

The network is a hub for people working to “end inappropriate criminal prosecutions for HIV non-disclosure, potential or perceived exposure and transmission”.



In HIV, usually refers to legal jurisdictions which prosecute people living with HIV who have – or are believed to have – put others at risk of acquiring HIV (exposure to HIV). Other jurisdictions criminalise people who do not disclose their HIV status to sexual partners as well as actual cases of HIV transmission. 


In HIV, refers to the act of telling another person that you have HIV. Many people find this term stigmatising as it suggests information which is normally kept secret. The terms ‘telling’ or ‘sharing’ are more neutral.

It is co-ordinated by Edwin J Bernard, who also wrote NAM’s resource HIV and the criminal law, available online at

The network links people together and offers news on related issues from around the world.

The website is also the home of the Oslo Declaration on HIV Criminalisation. This came from a meeting held in February 2012, and has since been signed by over 1600 people.

Doing HIV Justice

The network recently filmed an educational documentary explaining the steps that were taken in England and Wales to create the world’s first prosecutorial guidelines on sexual transmission of infection.

Launched in July 2012 at the 19th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) in Washington DC, Doing HIV Justice is a 30-minute film featuring representatives from HIV organisations and the Crown Prosecution Service, who were involved in developing the guidance.

The network hopes that the film will be a useful tool for people in other countries who want to develop similar policy and guidance tools.

For more information

For more information on the HIV Justice Network, visit the website at

You can view Doing HIV Justice online at:

Can NAM help you?

NAM has a longstanding track record of developing and delivering high-quality accessible websites and resources. We understand the importance of creating resources that are appropriate and relevant to the needs of their users, and use design effectively to help people engage with key messages.

Edwin worked closely with our designer and developer and told me, “[they] responded empathetically to our needs with an almost telepathic understanding of what the site should look like and how it should function.”

If you are developing your own website, or information materials, and would like some help or advice, then please get in touch at