Showing 34,667 results


Maintenance prescribing saves lives of English heroin addicts

Editor's pick
Drug & Alcohol Findings
30 October 2016

Over 1 million treated with highly effective hepatitis C medicines

Editor's pick
World Health Organization
27 October 2016

Generic HIV drugs will be a good thing right?

Editor's pick
Project Inform
27 October 2016

HIV Patient Zero cleared by science

Editor's pick
BBC Health
26 October 2016

Researchers find people who inject drugs would be willing to switch to safer equipment

Editor's pick
National Institute for Health Research
26 October 2016

More Surprises From ÉCLAIR: Cabotegravir's 'Long Tail'

Editor's pick
Medscape (requires free registration)
26 October 2016

Access: MSF reports on use of the new tuberculosis drugs bedaquiline and delamanid

Editor's pick
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) International
26 October 2016