Showing 249 news articles about Bad science & bogus treatments

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Not everything you hear about HIV and AIDS is true. As well as inaccurate information and flawed scientific studies, there are miracle cures, conspiracy theories and AIDS denialism.



Sowetan runs unethical ad

Editor's pick
9 November 2012

Gambia's President: Herbs can Cure HIV Victims

Editor's pick
South Florida Gay News
15 October 2012

The drugs don't work: a modern medical scandal

Editor's pick
The Guardian
25 September 2012

Half of medical reporting 'is subject to spin'

Editor's pick
NHS Behind the Headlines
20 September 2012

Facebook used to promote medical male circumcision

Editor's pick
Key Correspondents
9 July 2012

How Secrecy in Medical Research Harms our Health

Editor's pick
Open Society Foundations
5 July 2012