Showing 212 news articles about Side effects

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The most common side effects of anti-HIV drugs are short term and are the result of the body getting used to a new drug. Long-term adverse effects and toxicities are less common.

FDA clears Salix anti-diarrhoeal for HIV patients

Editor's pick
2 January 2013

Phase out D4T in poor countries

Editor's pick
7 November 2012

Tanzania: ARVs Safe to Use, Says Minister

Editor's pick
6 November 2012

Popular HIV drug may cause memory declines

Editor's pick
Eurekalert Medicine & Health
28 September 2012

India: Safer anti-HIV drugs to replace Stavudine

Editor's pick
Indian Express
4 September 2012

HCV In The News-Pharmaceuticals,HCV Vaccine,Liver Health And More

Editor's pick
HCV New Drugs Research
15 August 2012

Early CNS toxicity with efavirenz often persists in London group

Editor's pick
International AIDS Society
17 July 2012

High Dose Vitamin D Prevents Fractures

Editor's pick
Medical News Today
5 July 2012

South Africa: Stavudine Trial Causes Split

Editor's pick
11 June 2012